
The most prized lush herb-rich forest in the Helsinki Metropolitan Region

Old cannon road © Teemu Saloriutta

Mustavuori is criss-crossed by paths, and in winters with a good amount of snowfall the City of Helsinki also maintains ski tracks in the area.

Mustavuori trail

This forest trail is 2.5 km in length. You can read the texts for each point of interest on the mobile map. The points of interest and the trail are not marked in the terrain. Some sections of the trail consist of wide pedestrian paths, but in the forest the path is narrow in places. Please exercise caution near the caves and gorges, as there are no safety rails around them. Blocks may come loose from the ceilings of caves and the walls of trenches, so they are not safe to enter. Visitors should keep in mind that they explore the terrain at their own risk. Children should not be allowed to deviate from the path by themselves.

Rotko Mustavuoressa, kuva Teemu Saloriutta.

Photo Teemu Saloriutta.
